Android关于最新版本Failed to find Build Tools revision 31.0.0报错问题CSDN博客
Expo SDK. buzzerbee January 15, 2021, 12:38pm 1. SDK Version: 39. Platforms (Android/iOS/web/all): Android. expo-cli version: expo-cli 4.0.7 or expo-cli 4.0.17. When running expo build:android -t app-bundle --release-channel my-rc, the build fails with: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:minifyReleaseWithR8'.
【错误记录】Android Studio 编译报错 ( Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is
I've already have Build Tools 26.0.3, but not install Build Tools 26.0.2. I know I can click the link to install Build Tools 26.0.2 to solve this problem. But what confuses me is that, I searched the whole repo, and could not find any place particularly write "26.0.2", except the
打开项目报错Failed to find Build Tools revision 26.0.2(Failed to find Build
1.Open the Android SDK Manager and check if the Build Tools version 26.0.2 is installed. If it is not installed, install it and restart Android Studio. 2.Update your build.gradle file to use a different version of Build Tools that is already installed on your system. To do this, open your build.gradle file and change the buildToolsVersion to.
Installed Build Tools Revision 31.0.0 Is Corrupted. Remove and Install
Error:Failed to find Build Tools revision 26.0.2 "" Install Build Tools 26.0.2 and sync project but I have SDK Build Tools 27.x.x installed. I found an answer somewhere in Stackoverflow that i need to change it in build.gradle file (from 26 to 27), but the only build.gradle file I have is the one in which no such option is available.
How to install android build tools 29.0.2 on Mac OSX? · Issue 6129
I'm trying to Install Build Tools 26.0.2 and sync project and showFailed to find build tools revision 26.0.2Android Studio is looking for build tools 26.0.2,.
Android关于最新版本Failed to find Build Tools revision 31.0.0报错问题CSDN博客
If you look in your Android SDK directory (the one shown at the top of the SDK Manager), in the build-tools/ subdirectory, do you see a 24.0.0-preview/ directory? Usually, these directory names line up with what you put in buildToolsVersion in build.gradle , but for whatever reason, '24.0.0 rc1' turns into 24.0.0-preview/ in the SDK.
Android Studio 构建项目时提示failed to find build tools revision 23.0.3CSDN博客
How to install Android build tools 33.0.2?. Installed Build Tools revision 33.0.2 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager. (Ref: build 6426a462ed0b18a3811ceaef) So I need to rename d8 to dx in the build folder using this solution.
【错误记录】Android 编译报错 ( Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted
Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.3: 26.0.3: 51.93 MB: 51.35 MB: 52.62 MB: Download linux Download macosx Download windows : Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2: 26.0.2: 51.92 MB: 51.34 MB: 52.61 MB: Download linux Download macosx Download windows
Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install
It looks like an android head in front of a download arrow. (Or go to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK) 2) Open SDK Tools tab. 3) At the bottom-right, click "Show Package Details". 4) Find Android SDK Build-Tools and check the checkbox next to 26.0.2. 5) Click apply in the bottom of the window.
Android Studio运行Failed to find Build Tools revision 30.0.3 北褶tik 博客园
"Install Android SDK Tools (revision: 26.1.1)" complete. "Install Android SDK Tools (revision: 26.1.1)" finished. Checking the license for package Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.2 in C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\renpy-7.4.11-sdk\rapt\Sdk\licenses License for package Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.2 accepted. Preparing "Install Android SDK Build-Tools 29..
How to solve Android Studio Error Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.
Build Tools, Revision 29.0.2 (August 2019) This update fixes the following issue: SIGSEGV; Build Tools, Revision 29.0.0 (June 2019) This update includes support for building with API level 29. Build Tools, Revision 28.0.3 (September 2018) This update includes support for Android Gradle plugin 3.2.0 and fixes the following.
Android Studio运行Failed to find Build Tools revision 30.0.3 北褶tik 博客园
Download Android SDK Build-tools 19.1.1 , 20.0.0 , 21.1.1 , 22.0.0 , 23.0.0 , 23.0.0 , 23.0.0 , 24.0.0 , 24.0.0 , 24.0.0 , 24.0.0 , 25.0.0 , 25.0.0 , 25.0.0 , 25.0.0.
[问题记录]Android Studio编译出现Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is
By default, the Android SDK uses the most recent downloaded version of the Build Tools. If your projects depend on older versions of the Build Tools, the SDK Manager allows you to download and maintain separate versions of the tools for use with those projects. To use a specific version of the Build Tools in your application project:
Android Studio error "Installed Build Tools revision 33.0.0 is
General Notes: Fixed issues with the ARM 64-bit emulator. SDK Tools, Revision 24.3.1 (June 2015) Dependencies: Android SDK Platform-tools revision 19 or later. General Notes: Fixed issue with the root/ and lib/ folders. Caution: This release is known to contain issues which prevent builds from completing.
打开项目报错Failed to find Build Tools revision 26.0.2(Failed to find Build
Android Studio: Failed to find Build Tools revision 30.0.3 Hot Network Questions Co-authorship ethics: after every one worked and then gave up, I got the answer!
Android Installed Build Tools revision 34.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and
By default, the Android SDK uses the most recent downloaded version of the Build Tools. If your projects depend on older versions of the Build Tools, the SDK Manager allows you to download and maintain separate versions of the tools for use with those projects. To use a specific version of the Build Tools in your application project: